Tuesday, October 31, 2017

koka shifty skram by @therealcrazytown @cbscrew &c.

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artists @therealcrazytown @cbscrew &c. found 2016 in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts two boys in dunce caps (one of the them, a zombie) sitting on stools, five topless ladies flipping the bird, an ape-like face, and these decipherable alphanumerics: koka; shifty 455er can’t be stopped; skram

a bearded fellow

sticker graffiti street art found 2016 in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a bearded man

fids nenke fia

mural graffiti street art found 2016 in Pererenan, Canggu, Bali, Indonesia, that appears to read: fids; nenke; fia. in the foreground is a cow paddock littered with plastic trash; in the background are palm trees, a traditional Balinese thatched house, and ceremonial banners

Monday, October 30, 2017

many colorful feathers by Spencer (???)

mural graffiti street art by artist Spencer (???) found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a woman with blue lips and hair as well as elaborate facepaint wearing a traditional Plains Native American feathered headdress

the chosen few by @septerhed @tcf_thechosenfew

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artists @septerhed @tcf_thechosenfew found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a lion or dog holding something feathery in its mouth and wearing a horned helmet, a heart among filigrees, and these words: the chosen few

kym krttyr tits by @455er_cbs &c.

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artists @455er_cbs &c. found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a human skull, a mischievous boy, two standing men, and these decipherable alphanumerics: established 1995 original tits crew time is too short; krttyr; kym 455er; pike 169 never

Sunday, October 29, 2017

gysr cows janaper trail

pair of sticker graffiti street art found stuck to a bicycle rack near a red curb on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a human face within a foot and reads: gysr cows; janaper trail

cat god ohuno by @shie47 @fudrmask &c.

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artists @shie47 @fudrmask &c. found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a masked man as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: cat god; ohuno men hier voak; serch

a mobile hand

wheatpaste poster graffiti street art found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a disembodied hand manipulating an Apple iPhone wearing pot-leaf socks and riding a ‘hoverboard’

Friday, October 27, 2017

Campbell's condemned sheep by @littlericky001

sticker graffiti street art by artist @littlericky001 found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts an iconic pink Warhol-style soup can with a forlorn sheep for an emblem and these words: Campbell's condemned sheep

I’ve got to stop fucking magicians by @mrtrixter &c.

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artists @mrtrixter &c. found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a man fleeing with a sack of cash; a despondent blue-skinned woman; an inverted cross; a gloved Mickey mouse hand; and these decipherable alphanumerics: I’ve got to stop fucking magicians; bank boys ent. #bbgshit; plzr mistro; se7en; dealers; flyt; wca uti fsc re; trixter

for Pete's sake by @shie47 @mdk8me &c.

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artists @shie47 @mdk8me &c. found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a flock of birds shouting #’s!; a muscular globe wearing a trucker hat; a startled face; a red and white pill; Mr. Peanut in a top hat; and these decipherable alphanumerics: high life; shief47 serch; blind realm; v1de0; for Pete’s sake; exquisite Los Angeles

Thursday, October 26, 2017

girl without brain by @thrashbird13

colorful stencil graffiti street art by artist @thrashbird13 found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts the faces of two women: one with the top of her head missing, dripping paint instead of a neck, and a heart-shaped cutout in the center of her face; the other just the center heart-shaped cutout of the face

sunny black lion

black aerosol-spray stencil graffiti street art found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a smiling lion whose mane resembles the rays of Sol

destroy all design by @destroyalldesign &c.

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artist @destroyalldesign &c. found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a 1980s mobile stereo system as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: renul

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

two color tests by @eyeworm &c.

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artists @eyeworm &c. found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a mummified man wearing glasses, a pair of color-test prints, stars, the hood of a cobra snake, and these decipherable alphanumerics: eyeworm

eye heart b0rn

sticker graffiti street art found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that uses bright neon colors to depict an eye within a dripping heart as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: b0rn

native Saturn dirt by @dirtcobain &c.

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artists @dirtcobain &c. found on a road-sign on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts two hyenas, an anthropomorphic sun, a person with a mane of hair, a young woman, four letters ‘f’ in the shape of a cross, and these decipherable alphanumerics: sbstn; native boyz; saturn; @dirtcobain

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

baaaverly hills or bust by @littlericky001

sticker graffiti street art by artist @littlericky001 found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts the artist’s trademark sheep in lipstick and blond hair next to a pink purse and sign that reads: baaaverly hills or bust!

another masked owl by @esoteric_tcf

wheatpaste poster graffiti street art by artist @esoteric_tcf found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts the artist’s trademark masked owl set within a large mandala-shaped machine of circles, squares, and a six-pointed star

xray: organs signed - bandit

wheatpaste poster graffiti street art found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a pinwheel-faced woman in a blue dress holding an x-ray image revealing her inner organs as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: xray; organs; bandit

Monday, October 23, 2017

craivr, I think

aquamarine, orange, and pink mural graffiti street art found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that appears to read: craivr

Hank Hill, goth by @justifying_the_supernatural &c.

riot of sticker graffiti street art by artist @justifying_the_supernatural &c. found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts the cartoon character Hank Hill dressed up as a goth (complete with top hat and inverted crosses) as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: serch ciao; 181

oang eye exg

riot of sticker graffiti street art found on Melrose Ave in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a hand equipped with brass knuckles as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: oang; eye; exg

Sunday, October 22, 2017

bus to buttstain by @buttstainantifashion

sticker graffiti street art by group @buttstainantifashion found on Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a city bus headed for buttstain

gw and mg

sticker graffiti street art found on Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, depicts an owl-like bird and features these decipherable alphanumerics: gw; mg

high voltage wheatpaste by @voxxromana

sticker graffiti street art by artist @voxxromana found on Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, that features these decipherable alphanumerics: hig volt; wheatpas; voxx ro

Friday, October 20, 2017

two gnarly dudes

wheatpaste poster graffiti street art found on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts James Dean and Elvis Presley sitting in two souped-up hot rods dressed in punk clothing and covered in written-on images and sayings, among them these: hope kills; no war

a solitary child

black aerosol-spray mural graffiti street art found on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a dejectedly perambulating young boy wearing a heavy coat and long pants

a steady beat

mural graffiti street art found on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a stick figure carefully balancing on a cardiographic heartbeat

Thursday, October 19, 2017

apoca death shame by @cruarts_too @titwolf @indeclineofficial @ninjagraffiti @riotstyle &c.

sticker graffiti street art by artists @cruarts_too @titwolf @indeclineofficial @ninjagraffiti @riotstyle &c. found in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a cycloptic skull flying on bat wings, a television, a demonic sarariman holding a briefcase, a wolf with a corpse in its jaws, various faces, and the outline of a t-shirt; it features these decipherable alphanumerics: death march; reputation; titwolf destroyer of souls!; shame; indecline; scan me with the funn man 4d viewer app; crosu; cate apoca is com; cru arts; riot style

stencil, says cat

red aerosol-spray stencil graffiti street art found in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, that appears to depict a cat’s ears and head; it reads: cat

love loves you

sticker graffiti street art found in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a red umbrella, an aquamarine figure, and these decipherable alphanumerics: love loves you

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

cosa aver devs

mural (throw-up) graffiti street art found on a cinderblock wall in Little Armenia, Los Angeles, CA, these decipherable alphanumerics: cosa; avers; devs; hai


mural (throw-up) graffiti street art found on a cinderblock wall in Little Armenia, Los Angeles, CA, these decipherable alphanumerics: kuwma

delik and skin

mural (throw-up) graffiti street art found on a cinderblock wall in Little Armenia, Los Angeles, CA, near the Holy Transfiguration Russian Orthodox church that features these decipherable alphanumerics: delik; skin

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

global elite note by @skamsticker

wheatpaste poster graffiti street art by artist @skamsticker found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a dollar note of zero denomination, the face of a zombified president, these decipherable alphanumerics: global elite note; masters of america; 0; H66666666 6; the department of the treasury 1789; Portland, OR; series of 2015; skam; the bearer on demand; dollars

a distant lok by @s_loksangeles

aerosol spray mural graffiti street art by artist @s_loksangeles found on the back of a billboard in Los Angeles, CA, that features these decipherable alphanumerics: lok

locals only kidd! by @s_loksangeles

aerosol spray mural graffiti street art by artist @s_loksangeles found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a skeleton wearing a blue LA Dodgers hat and a blue jacket as well as these these decipherable alphanumerics: locals only kidd!; lok

Monday, October 16, 2017

skoer miget arson

paint-pen graffiti street art found on a metal sidewalk access panel in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA, that features these decipherable alphanumerics: skoer; miget; arson; sonoe; vacks; reptat; hmod1; kea is; ahul; jacks

sneek snap sneek

sticker graffiti street art found in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA, that features Mr. Peanut wearing a hat that says ‘high life’, a robber holding a sack of cash, a honey-bee, barbed wire, and a man’s face as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: S&M; sneek; snap

kurups! ace beyond

sticker graffiti street art found in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA, that features a triangle with three dashes in it, a skateboarder with bugged-out eyes, a torn sticker for VANS “off the wall,” and a squid-like ghost as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: kurups!; hola mi nombre es; beyond; ace skateboarding truck mfg.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

mi nombre es fooln

sticker graffiti street art found in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a stylized globe, a lense flare, and these decipherable alphanumerics: ebic; bka; hola mi nombre es; fooln

serch cyclops rth

sticker graffiti street art found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a cycloptic turtle, something similar to the logo of the music group Black Flag, and these decipherable alphanumerics: serch; rth

pink furry Un by @smearleader

sticker graffiti street art by artist @smearleader found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts Democratic People’s Republic of Korea leader Kim Jong Un wearing pink furry clothes and silver rings

Friday, October 13, 2017

erns satyr nocs

sticker graffiti street art found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts an eye set before crossed palm trees as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: erns one; kmute satyr sick ass fool; hello my name is nocs

lalo roman ostfug by @lalograffiti @_ci_kay_ &c.

sticker graffiti street art by artists @lalograffiti @_ci_kay_ &c. found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a screaming ape as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: rice; lalo lao; roman; ostfug

now you're playing with power by @jedi.lovejoy @__mr._suha__ &c.

sticker graffiti street art by artists @jedi.lovejoy @__mr._suha__ &c. found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a scene from the Nintendo game ‘Duck Hunt’ as well as these decipherable alphanumerics: jedi; now you're playing with power; klizr; suher

Thursday, October 12, 2017

a forehead abode

sticker graffiti street art found in Los Angeles, CA, that depicts a face with a house and a tree on its forehead that’s surrounded by a jagged border as well as another sticker that appears to read: sheist

a seaside riot by @nickynailedit @manasportco &c.

sticker graffiti street art by artists @nickynailedit @manasportco and others found on a street sign in Venice Beach, CA, that depicts a young man’s face as well as a celebratory penguin