Friday, July 5, 2019

untitled (i.e. the DJ)

[above] is a photo of mural graffiti street art [by artist @zesoner] found anno 2018 in New York NY that depicts a two-faced and seven-armed undead disc-jockey who is wearing a baseball cap pierced by a sewing needle topped by a halo, & these decipherable alphanumerics - WH 2015 WF
[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

punk is undead

[above] is a photo of a riot of adhesive graffiti street art [by artists @strother_pt &c] found anno 2018 in New York NY that depicts an undead human wearing a baseball cap printed with a spider’s web as well as a leather jacket festooned with buttons depicting brass knuckles, a slice of pizza, a ringed pentagram, and the symbol for anarchy
[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

up, and away

[above] is a photo of adhesive graffiti street art [by artist @doom_hiatus] found anno 2018 in New York NY that depicts an airborne Astro Boy (Atomu) wearing a mask similar to that of Doctor Doom from Marvel Comics
[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

rest in power Nipsey Hussle

[above] is a photo of adhesive graffiti street art [by artist @grandeurdivision @nipseyhussle] found anno 2019 on Rose Ave in Venice Beach LA CA that depicts slain entrepreneur and entertainer Nipsey Hussle wearing a gold chain, a black baseball cap, & a jacket printed with these decipherable alphanumerics - Crenshaw
[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]